Venus Freeze
What is Venus Freeze?

One of the best anti-ageing treatments on the market straight from America. Loved by American and UK leading dermatologists and plastic surgeons. Venus Freeze uses the latest radio frequency and magnetic pulse technology to tighten, smooth and plump skin on the face and neck.

The media have dubbed it ‘the facelift of the future’. Venus Freeze also works on the body to tighten skin, banish cellulite, contour and loose inches. The treatment feels like a warm relaxing massage – No Downtime, No Pain and No Discomfort.

Venus Freeze
What is Venus Freeze?

One of the best anti-ageing treatments on the market straight from America. Loved by American and UK leading dermatologists and plastic surgeons. Venus Freeze uses the latest radio frequency and magnetic pulse technology to tighten, smooth and plump skin on the face and neck.

The media have dubbed it ‘the facelift of the future’. Venus Freeze also works on the body to tighten skin, banish cellulite, contour and loose inches. The treatment feels like a warm relaxing massage – No Downtime, No Pain and No Discomfort.

Freeze time & reverse ageing!
Effective treatments for your Face, Neck & Body…
Venus Freeze can treat many skin problem areas such as the face, arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks and neck. It is suitable for men and women. The Venus Freeze has proven time and again to quickly tighten skin, reduce facial wrinkles, smooth neck lines and sagging skin, improve post-pregnant “mummy tummy” and reduce cellulite.

The Freeze is also successful in circumference reduction or body contouring.

Skin Tightening
Wrinkle Reduction
Facelift of the Future
Non Surgical Contouring
Face & Body
Cellulite Reduction

Patients worldwide already praise Venus Freeze treatments because they are effective, painless and safe. quote Venus Freeze

“The Facelift of the Future” – As quoted in Vogue!

Venus Freeze Treatment - Rejuvenate Worcester

- Rita, a Venus Freeze Patient

The first time I was in to try the Venus Freeze I must say I was amazed; there was no pain whatsoever. I loved it. I know in the past with other treatments there was a pinching sensation. With this one it was just warm to the point that I was so relaxed that I would fall asleep. I would recommend it to other people. At least try it, it’s amazing.
How does the Venus Freeze work?
Redefining your image…
The “Freeze”, which is FDA approved, works by combining Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Magnetic Pulsed Fields into one device. This unique combination (called MP2) has the ability to penetrate comfortably and safely into the skin for optimum results.

Using a simply hand-held applicator, the skin is massaged and heated to a comfortable temperature to stimulate new collagen. Skin treatments are faster, safer and more effective with the Venus Freeze technique.

So you now have a skin-care system that can deliver it’s promise of tighter skin, softening of wrinkles, a plumper, fuller and more youthful appearance, reduced cellulite and a more contoured silhouette.

Venus Freeze Treatment - Rejuvenate Worcester
Below are the most common questions we get asked about the Venus Freeze™ treatments. If you have any others or would like to book a Venus Freeze session please contact us here.
What makes Venus Freeze different from other treatments?
Not all RF treatments or systems are the same or achieve the same results. The Venus Freeze uses a combination of tried and clinically tested technologies (Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Magnetic Pulsed Fields ) which are patented as “MP(2)” – pronounced ‘MP squared’.

This clever combination makes the treatments quicker and easier to apply to most parts of the body (with no downtime afterwards), achieve longer lasting results and was designed to be non-invasive and pain-free. The Venus Freeze has also passed various medical approvals across the world and is backed by years of clinical and field trials. Many top Aestheticians and Dermatologists have adopted the Venus Freeze because of its superior results and speed.

What kind of results can you get from a Venus Freeze treatment?
Tighter skin, softening of wrinkles, plumper, fuller and more youthful appearance, reduced cellulite and a more contoured silhouette
Is there any pain or discomfort involved?
None! In fact, most patients nap or just simply relax during the treatment. The sensation is pleasant and warm.
How safe are the treatments and are there any contraindications or side effects?
Radio Frequency and magnetic pulses have been used for many years in medicine and are proven, safe technologies. There are no side effects other than looking terrific and the contraindications are standard with all treatments. Your treatment provider will review your medical history and your aesthetic goals to see if Venus Freeze is the right treatment for you.
What is it like to have a treatment?
As you lay comfortably on a treatment bed, the technician will apply a treatment gel to the skin. This lotion helps the applicator glide on the surface of your skin. The correct size applicator is selected and the treatment provider will then begin to apply smooth and consistent movements on the surface of the skin. This feels like a wonderful warm massage. We encourage our patients to close their eyes and take this time to just relax and enjoy the quiet and focused time for them.
How does the Venus technology work?
Venus (MP)2 works by incorporating Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Magnetic Pulsed Fields into one device and delivering it safely and effectively to the patient.
Skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and cellulite reduction occur because the multi-polar radio frequency causes a thermal response in the tissue which activates the body`s natural healing response. That healing response causes new collagen to form, new elastin fibers and the production of fibroblasts to increase. The existing collagen in the skin contracts (this causes the skin to look and feel firmer) and the elastin fibre to unravel (which makes the skin more elastic).

Body contouring is achieved when the temperature of the skin is elevated, the body releases stress hormones. These hormones pass through the blood stream, and attach themselves to specific receptors on the membrane of the fat cell in the hypodermis (the deepest layer of the skin). The stress hormone, once attached to the receptor, activates the hormone sensitive lipase – the hormone that is in charge of breaking down triglycerides into free fatty acids. The free fatty acids exit the fat cell through the blood stream and the volume of the fat cell is thus reduced giving you a smoother, more contoured shape.

As Seen On TV…

The Venus Freeze has been demonstrated on countless media/TV shows, news programmes and magazine features. Have a look at our other videos which illustrate how the Venus Freeze has got the beauty and aesthetic industry talking and endorsing its benefits!

Before & After Pictures

Take a look at the results. It's not hard to see why the Venus Freeze is so popular with great results, no pain, no downtime and all done in a few short sessions.
See Results

Before & After Pictures

Take a look at the results. It's not hard to see why the Venus Freeze is so popular with great results, no pain, no downtime and all done in a few short sessions.
See Results

Venus Freeze Making Headlines!

The Venus Concept is making world headlines…

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